Ordering alcohol

Instacart delivers alcohol for select retailers and markets. The Instacart app or website allows you to check availability in your area.

Some legal restrictions apply to alcohol orders—

  • Customers must be 21 or older to order alcohol items and provide an approved photo ID showing their birthdate at delivery.
  • If an alcohol item is out of stock, your shopper will contact you to get approval for a replacement. If the shopper doesn’t get approval, they’ll refund the items. 
  • Shoppers can only add alcohol to replace other alcoholic items. 

Alcohol delivery

We don't deliver alcohol to retail businesses (ex. grocery stores, gas stations, etc.), restaurants, or college campuses. We deliver alcohol to non-retail businesses.

Alcohol delivery orders can't exceed 400 pounds. 

Shoppers must deliver to recipients that are 21 or older. Your shopper will verify your age and scan the front and/or back of your ID when they deliver. In some cases, the shopper can also enter your information manually. Your information isn’t stored on shoppers’ personal devices. Some states require a signature before the alcohol can be delivered. 

Special restrictions include—

  • Manual ID entry isn’t available for Costco or Walmart orders nationwide.
  • Green cards can’t be scanned and must be manually entered.
  • We can’t deliver alcohol to visibly intoxicated persons or leave alcohol unattended.
  • We can’t deliver alcohol if the customer doesn’t meet all delivery requirements. In these cases, we refund the alcohol and return it to the store. The customer may still be charged delivery fees, bottle deposit fees, or the tip.

Damaged alcohol items

Instacart will provide a credit, refund, or redelivery if alcohol items were damaged by the shopper due to the following—

  • Shattered or cracked glass
  • Broken seal
  • Missing or tampered label
  • Poor bagging leading to damaged item(s)

Please contact Instacart Customer Experience if your alcohol items are damaged.

Over-the-counter medicine

Instacart delivers over-the-counter (OTC) medicine for select retailers and markets. You can check availability in your area with the Instacart app or website.

Some legal restrictions apply to over-the-counter medicine orders—

  • Customers must be 18 or older to order over-the-counter medicine and provide an approved photo ID showing their birthdate at delivery.
  • Your shopper will verify your age and scan the front and/or back of your ID when they deliver. In some cases, the shopper can also enter your information manually.

Over-the-counter diet pills and dietary supplements

Instacart delivers over-the-counter (OTC) diet pills and weight loss and muscle-building dietary supplements at select retailers. The Instacart app or website allows you to check availability in your area.

Some legal restrictions apply to over-the-counter diet pills and dietary supplements. In New York, customers must be 18 or older to order OTC diet pills and dietary supplements for weight loss or muscle building. They must provide an approved photo ID showing their birthdate and sign for the delivery.

Valid forms of identification (ID)

Instacart accepts these valid forms of ID for alcohol deliveries—

  • United States-issued driver's license with photo 
  • United States-issued military ID
  • State-issued identification card
  • United States-issued passport
  • Green card*

*Instacart doesn’t accept green cards for orders in California, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Virginia, and Washington, or for Costco or Walmart orders nationwide.